The terrorist organization Antifa and Big Idea bookstore we’re overrun by Nationalists because Antifa has been, recently, responsible for vandalizing a WW1 monument on Memorial Day. Hammer and sickles were painted in red all over the monument, as well as not-so-veiled threats. Also, the recent protesting by BLM and their supporters have been pushed to rioting, looting, vandalism, and violent confrontation by Antifa, as well as bombs and incendiary devices found around Pittsburgh.
Three banners went up so passerby’s driving their cars can read the message loud and clear. “Honk if you hate Antifa” which got a dozen honks. “Better Dead Then Red” that got cheers and “Stand against Antifa” which made the neighborhood proud that somebody was in town finally standing up for their community that Antifa have taken hostage. The neighborhood was intrigued especially the women that were checking out the handsome lads that were there to set the standard.
A few dozen camera women and Antifa showed up but were quickly drowned out and left with staggering panic. They called the police but were just left with disappointment because the boys in blue said it’s their right to protest. Antifa got upset but no vehicles were flipped . Not so brave when the numbers are even huh?
The nationalists moved forward to their next destination and had one hell of a party and gig. Pennsylvania Lager and steel is where it’s at. American Defense Skins and Keystone United is where it’s at.